Meet Rachel Belsky
Rachel is an elementary school teacher with the Department of Education. She love New York City living and feels lucky to have much of her family and many of her dear friends close by.
@rbelsk21What does joy mean to you?
I really believe you can find joy in the smallest things. A smile, a please and thank you, a hug, that cup of coffee when you just need it in the morning, a perfect NYC fall day when it seems like everyone is outside- what’s not to be happy about from any of these things? Joy is everywhere if you want it in your life, you just have to look! And, I really do believe that looking for that small thing can make any rough day a bit better…
What are some of the small things you celebrate?
I try to celebrate them all! Certainly not in the loudest, most obvious way with balloons and cake (although I really should include more cake!😉), but I try to show gratitude for everything that I have and everything that I am. When life gets hectic, I push myself to slow down and remember to celebrate the small things. It’s then that I’m reminded just how big they really are! Waking up each day, walking to work, getting a text from my mom that tells me to “Go get ‘em” - these deserve to be celebrated!
Tell us about a really special time in your life, and why you treasure it.
Time with family and my close friends is so special to me. When my family gets together for holidays or vacations, it may be loud and hectic, but I don’t even hear the noise. I just hear the laughs, I see the smiles, I feel the hugs and I’m sad when it’s over. Being with my friends, even if more time than I’d like has passed, feels like we were all just together yesterday. That sort of comfort speaks volumes about why these people are so special to me.
We all have trying moments. What is something positive you did or chose to focus on to keep you moving forward?
When I’m stuck in my head, frustrated or just feeling “done”, I try to refocus on what I have control over. I can’t make things perfect because I can’t change other people, but I can change the way I’m doing things as well as the way I react/respond to others. If it’s a situation (not a person/people) I can’t change, I have to think about how I can change my outlook for the better. In the moment, this is easier said than done, so taking a step back and resetting is always really helpful! (And a long walk never hurts!!)
Tell us about someone who's been a positive influence
in your life.
My brother has always been one of my idols since I was young. We had such a great relationship as children, and we still have that love and friendship. He’s always had this extremely positive outlook on life and this attitude that if you want something, you just have to go and get it! I have always envied his confidence and wide eyes when looking to the future.
And we have to ask: what is your go-to Terez print?
Navy Camo! (I also have a pair of OG splatter paint leggings that I just can’t let go of…honestly not even sure how old they are, but clearly Terez wears well!)
Shop Rachel's Favorite PrintLast but not least: what's your favorite cake flavor?
I love a good - like, really good - chocolate!
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